This function converts strings into upper case in C language. It is a simple one. I use ternary operator. Code: void UppCase(Char *str) { while(*str!=0)//traversing […]
Category: Technical
Post related to technical things
Reverse a Linked List
It is simple just a four lines of code. It will be more useful for students during placement timings. Code: Void ReverseLinkedList(node* header) { node […]
Storing fonts into SQL Server Database
Recently I got a project from one of my relative’s organization. It deals about maintaining their customer’s details along with their credit amount and it […]
Automatic Synonym Generator
This is an application on LAMP stack which can be used further for online GRE tests. This is how all GRE tests works at the […]
What happens when I enter a URL in the web browser?
This is the question asked for me in one of my interviews. It is quite simple to answer. But involves quite a big process. First […]
How Ajax works?
Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a group of interrelated web development techniques used on the client-side to create interactive web applications or […]
Gemini Info Way
For the past two months I was working for a noob company named Gemini Infoway in Madurai as a PHP programmer. A newbie company, mainly […]
Generating random number using mysql query
Using MySQL queries, we can easily generate random numbers using the data we have. Fro example we have a table which has firstname,lastname,age,address,city,pincode in its […]
TOSS inaugration
It was my great pleasure to tell about the release of TOSS(TCE Operating System Services), an operating system has a full compatibility and capality to […]
Successful iCCC
We have started TecUthsav by conducting the first contest for it. Yes, we have successfully conducted iCCC(internet C Coding Carnival) regarding TecUthsav coming on Feb9th. […]